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Original Message:

Re: check in/security/room size (by Linda B.):

We have been owners since it was dirt...literally. We bought before the buildings went up! There was one instance of theft that was suscpicious. Our son was at the pool and left his glasses on his towel. Both the towel and glasses came up missing. He asked about them the instant he found them missing and was told to go to another desk. When he went where he was told, he saw staff pull out a large plastic bag of prescription glasses, they half heartedly checked through them and said his wasn't there. When we complained and questioned the process, nothing seemed to be done but we have not had any like problems since. That was about 5 or more years ago. We have the Luxury suite with 1 bed and 2 baths. There are usually 4 of us that go together and we do fine. There is a Murphy bed, the futon pulls out to a full bed and the master bed. I guess it all depends on each persons situation.