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Original Message:

omnicorp (by Susanne B.):

Daniel, I actually met a nice young lady who is supposed to be Cindy Kidd's daughter. Why would she lie about that? So, you were also defrauded by Holiday Systems International?

At least HSI is under Nevada law. Please write to the attorney general of Nevada, Catherine Cortez Masto. She is a decent lady and is a friend of a friend, so I am hoping to get a fire lit there.

Here is a link to the complaint form:


Also, please report what has happened to you on Trip Advisor. Millions of people read Trip Advisor, and it is a trusted site. Helping prevent anyone else from being defrauded by these ladrones is one small step we can all take. The more reports Trip Advisor gets about this place, the more difficult it will be for Plays de Las Palmas, Miramar, and Bahia Turquesa Residences to continue their illegal activity. Please post your stories at:

< esidences-Costa_Rica.html#47896738>.