

Oct 08, 2022

Let me get this straight. Wyndham initiates these rental restrictions under the pretense that they are helping the owners reserve the prime time for the owners use, so no rentals. Meanwhile, isn't it strange that at the same time, they promote their own new rental business, "Extra Holidays"? They offer to take your, now unusable, “developer” points so they can use them to rent to the same renters that you would have rented to. IF they do rent them, no guaranty, they will split any proceeds, which I’m sure would be a SMALL portion of your fees. If you haven’t yet learned, Wyndham has NEVER made a change to their policies to benefit the owners, EVER. Their new slogan, “Wyndham Cares”, means Wyndham cares for Wyndham. They want you to become “VIP” with all the wonderful benefits. Then they begin to reduce and eliminate those benefits. It’s just the same old “bait & switch” that we’ve endured for decades. And, this is all legal??

James F.

Last edited by jamesf387 on Oct 08, 2022 07:01 AM

Oct 08, 2022

Let me get this straight. Wyndham initiates these rental restrictions under the pretense that they are helping the owners reserve the prime time for the owners use, so no rentals. Meanwhile, isn't it strange that at the same time, they promote their own new rental business, "Extra Holidays"? They offer to take your, now unusable, “developer” points so they can use them to rent to the same renters that you would have rented to. IF they do rent them, no guaranty, they will split any proceeds, which I’m sure would be a SMALL portion of your fees. If you haven’t yet learned, Wyndham has NEVER made a change to their policies to benefit the owners, EVER. Their new slogan, “Wyndham Cares”, means Wyndham cares for Wyndham. They want you to become “VIP” with all the wonderful benefits. Then they begin to reduce and eliminate those benefits. It’s just the same old “bait & switch” that we’ve endured for decades. And, this is all legal??

James F.
Mar 11, 2023

My brother and I both spent a significant amount of time on the phone with Wyndham two separate days this week trying to fight this battle. We are VIP Platinum owners who have always had 15 guest reservations per year allotted to us, until this year. This week we were forced to cancel vacations for family and friends due to Wyndham's implementation of this policy. When are family purchased Platinum points, we were told we had 15 guest reservations per year whereas entry level had 2. This week we were told that all tier levels were treated equal. If that is the case, we would never have bothered purchasing so many points. I will continue to press this issue especially after years of sitting in high pressure sales meetings being told of the benefits of owning more points, becoming accustomed to utilizing said points for our family, then suddenly having the privileges and promises that came with those points stripped away.

Rhonda A.
Apr 12, 2024

I had the same experience as many of those listed in the comments. My wife and I are elderly (81 and 76) so we bought a "Legacy Program" so that when we pass away our children will not be burdened with the extremely high maintenance costs ($3,400 yearly and rising). We were told by at least three sales people we could buy ghost points we would not use and have these for rental purposes. One sales person even showed us her list of clients she was helping to offset maintenance fees by renting out their ghost points and how much they had received. The recommendation was that we buy into Bonnet Creek since we could easily use these as rentals because the place was so popular. We bought and now we are stuck with extra points (we can't travel much now) with no way out except to use Wyndham's rental program that takes the majority of the rental returns. Our problem is that we trusted Wyndham and took their word. It looks like we got took. I am going to send my comments to the Florida state Attorney General so she will at least know what is going on. For others with the Wyndham problem go to:, then click "general complaints." If a class action suit develops, and we are still around, count us in. All the best.

Paul P.

Last edited by paulp723 on Apr 12, 2024 09:46 AM

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