Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Feb 23, 2010

I always read tripadvisors and so does everyone else thats why we cant get rid of this property. We had it on ebay for 1.00 and try to sell it through a company that will sell your timeshare for you, well that was a joke too and 500.00 down the drain

Kathy P.
Feb 23, 2010

Hi Everyone...It sounds like a lot of us were induced into this timeshare by fraudulent representation. I am searching for both a federal government organization to report them to and an attorney in VA to assist me in terminating my personal contract. I have spoken to several attorneys in New York and I am having a problem getting someone to assist me with a class action as we cannot do this here in New York. Like many of you....we all want to pursue this but noone has the time to take on this tremendous task. I am also emailing the VA attorney noted on the forum and hopefully he will be able to keep a running list for us. I will not give up....but unfortunately this will be a long process. When I sent my complaint to the Commonwealth of VA they referred my complaint to the Dept. of Professional & Occupational Regulation Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Maryland Dr., Richmond, VA 23233. Phone # 804-367-8504. They pretty much told me that in order for them to take any action, we need to provide proof of fraud ( I personally believe that if there are enough complaints they will investigate it). I, unfortunately, have never stayed there, I do not have pictures and I can't prove they are not using the special assessment fees for upkeep (although many of you already know that from recent visits). I only know, that oral promises were made at the sales presentation and not fulfilled which to me is a breach of contract. The NYS Attorney General's Office advised me to take them to court. When I have more information, I will post it on this forum.

Kathleen S.

Last edited by kathleens213 on Aug 05, 2010 05:44 PM

Feb 23, 2010

I tried to email the lawyer mentioned on here and it came back undeliverable- Is there another email address

Mary M.
Feb 23, 2010

I found this information on line - it may be worth a shot if we all send in a complaint- I am talking to a lawyer here in NC next week and I will relay what he tells me as well- We seem to all have the same feeling that we were misled , lied to, or deceived.

The Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) has authority to initiate inquiries into complaints against timeshares if it has reason to believe that a pattern or practice of deception or other wrongdoing in violation of any of Virginia's consumer protection statutes is occurring. If such wrongdoing is found, OCA may refer its findings to this Office or other appropriate governmental offices for an enforcement action. Please be advised that all information provided to OCA is available for public inspection under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, except in the case of ongoing investigations.

OCA's Consumer Portal

Office of Consumer Affairs PO Box 1163 Richmond, Va 23218 (804) 786-2042 Toll Free in VA: 1-800-552-9963

Mary M.
Feb 23, 2010

Try the e-mail address again because this is how I communicated with him.

Mary A.
Feb 23, 2010

I too am interested in taking action against Club Land'or. They are just ripping off everybody. Google "colonial crossings scam"

M J.
Feb 24, 2010

I'm going to send in a complaint to the Office of Consumer Affairs as well as emailing Mr. Sadler. I have 10yrs left on my lease. My ex-husband spoke with Donald at Club Land'or who said he would let us out for $16,000. Give me a break. He also went out of his way to say people have tried suing them before and lost. This made me even more determined to make sure they get what they deserve for being fraudulant.

Yvonne C.
Feb 24, 2010

I think that everything that Land'or says is a lie so I believe they have been sued and lost. I would think that Mr. Sadler would be able to find out real quick how many times they had been sued and the what the score sheet was. I have emailed Mr. Sadler but no response yet. I am overseas until August 2010 so I can't help out as much as I would like with organizing. I looked at the Colonial Crossing Scam too, since this is in the USA it should be easier to prove fraud.

Chris B.
Feb 24, 2010

One other thing, since they mailed out all the "Special Assessments" using the US Postal Service I don't understand why they can't be processed for criminal action for mail fraud by the State Attorney General.

Chris B.
Feb 24, 2010

I originally sent my complaint to OCA in VA. They referred my letter to the Dept. of Professional & Occupational Regulation Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Maryland Dr., Richmond VA 23233.

Kathleen S.

Last edited by kathleens213 on Aug 05, 2010 05:48 PM

Feb 25, 2010

In the TUGBBS forum, there is one who posted about receiving judgment. Anyway, the poster mentioned about receiving an assessment due to a burned out transformer. After the poster talked to managers of other resorts about transformers, it appears that because Club Land'or is small, the utility usually takes care of it. Thus, owners got billed for something that the utility paid for. Maybe that can be used for fraud? Link is at

M J.
Feb 26, 2010

The transformer problem would be fraud IF you can prove it!

The Virginia OCS office referred that complaint to DPOR which is the real estate board in VA. It will be interesting to see if they do anything but don't hold your breath unless they've had many complaints. THen they still may be able to do nothing. Mr. Sadler and I talked about that because I'm a realtor which is why I first went to the VA timeshare code. Mr. Sadler said the problem is the VA timeshare law is very loose and that the law only pertains to deeded properties which Club Land'Or is not. In other words the laws need to be changed which Mr.Sadler says is one of the positive outcomes we could see through something like this.

Mary A.
Feb 26, 2010

Deleted at user request.

Mark H.

Last edited by moholte on May 03, 2010 10:10 AM

Feb 26, 2010

Here is a link to Bahamas Electric

Why do I have to pay for my own pole or transformer? When it is necessary to extend the electrical system to supply a customer, the customer is required to pay a contribution towards this cost. Several factors are taken into account when calculating this cost and in many instances the customer does not pay the full cost. Additionally, all further maintenance is done by the utility at no additional cost.

Since maintenance is taken care by the utility, then owners didn't need to pay.

Does anyone have the original assessment letter?

M J.

Last edited by mj178 on Feb 26, 2010 09:34 AM

Mar 01, 2010

We have owned it for 9 years now and I cannot agree with you more on everything. I think that the fraud is this: they promise things that they don't deliver and they do not tell the complete truth, so you really don't know what you're buying into. To me that's plain breach of contract.

Chris B.
Mar 03, 2010

I to hate these guys. I was wondering if contacting a show like 20/20 would help the cause? I don't think that it would hurt. The more people that hear about this the more we have to help. (Power to the People) and (Strength Through Solidarity)!!!!

Michael A.
Mar 03, 2010

I would think that any bad publicity we can put on these people as well as any leverage we can apply can only help our cause. I have passed along our concerns to Shep Altshuler the publisher of "TimeSharing Today" and also tried to put him in touch with a couple of the people who have been posting on here. Shep has been monitoring the site and would like to set up a conference call with some of you to discuss the situation and give his advice. they were involved in the suit against RCI Weeks last year and I think could also help to push Land'or to the discussion table. Being in Canada, I am a little far away for direct involvement but am interested in anything that can help us. I did like the idea of contacting the Atlantis people to see if they would be will to join in as well. beaton2

William B.
Mar 04, 2010

We went ahead and filed at OCA, let see what happens if anything

Kathy P.
Mar 09, 2010

I too believe we should get together and put pressure on these people either by talking to Atlantis or bringing in the press or through the lawsuit. With the amount of people not paying anymore, there's no way they can improve the place ever! All these extra fees are probably just keeping them afloat and it may very well be the cost of people not paying being divided among all participants.

Chris B.
Mar 29, 2010

Deleted at user request.

Mark H.

Last edited by moholte on May 03, 2010 10:09 AM

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