This new group is gathering owner info to share and strengthen our voice. Please share this info with other owners.
To join or learn more the e-mail address is:
You may include your data: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME WEEK OWNED, UNIT #
Elvira B.
Last edited by elvira16 on Mar 09, 2009 05:42 PM
elvira16 wrote:This new group is gathering owner info to share and strengthen our voice. Please share this info with other owners.To join or learn more the e-mail address is:
You may include your data: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME WEEK OWNED, UNIT #
Appreciate the post. Please correct e-mail to Thanks.
Pelican R.
for details on the group, go to:
this started 1/09 as a grassroots effort to get more information about what the Board of Directors had gotten us into regarding the new building and where we stand financially. I believe that you will find helpful information at this site. Elvira own 6 weeks: # 4-9
Elvira B.
In spite of several attempts, PROG will not answer the following questions. In spite of accusing the board of not being open they seem to be following the same process.
What democratic process is in place to choose those who speak on behalf of PROG members? Do the two persons intending to run "on behalf of PROG" for the Board of directors intend to have directors paid for their services instead of working as volunteers, therby increasing our costs? Will both parties running pledge that it is not their intent and that they will not accept a paid position at the Pelican resulting from their time on the Board?
What process will be used to replace these two persons as spokesman for the PROG group should they be elected to the Board of Directors as they would then be in a conflict of interest but the need for an owners group will continue.
Pelican owners need to know that persons they elect will be open, honest and informative to the balance of the Pelican Owners.
Until these answers to these, and any other questions you may have as a Pelican owner, are given freely by "our" representatives, I will be withholding my support and would request that you do so as well.
In addition questions I place to the current board that go unanswered by any director running for re election will also not receive my vote.
What we do not need is to add additional people who will not honestly answer questions we may have.
I am an owner, who offerred to join PROG, but whose name is left off the owners list, who volunteered at owners meetings to promote PROG and convinced people to join PROG. I can only wonder if my questions have hit a sore spot with the two owners intending to run for the Board.
Gentlemen I await still your response to the above questions so that I may add my vote to your election attempt!
Dave C.
We have been owners since 2000 and are pretty fed up with the crap going on with managers/owners of property. Anything to bilk money out of timeshare owners.
I hope this new pelican owners group can collectively do something about the outrageous way things are done.
We own week 9 Beaumontia Building Unit B434 and week 10 Penthouse F16. We will be showing up to use the weeks given to us from management this year and hopefully will find lots of major improvements.
Dr. Clyde & Timi Lee Ringstad cell 206 276 7373
Timi R.