Jul 04, 2009

well were do we begin. when we go to the resort we thought it was great. then it began . we found out that all the pool are spread out .if you wanted to use the lazy river it cost 8 dollars each. to use the slide it was 10 dollars a per person. we ran out of toilet paper an told to go to target. extra towels will cost you 10 dollars each. anything extra is extra here no dish soap eighter .so before you go ....go shopping .. now the coffee maker kept leaking and to rent a jet ski you might want to buy one 100$ an hour ......check in took 1 hr. the place is big and nice but it is alcarte in so many words.dose have a good internet connection . not enough shade at pools if you are a big person forget about taking a shower i have never seen a shower so small.i do think the only think that might have saved the weekend is disney .think about it before you stay here please

Vivian L.
Aug 09, 2009

Can't agree with most of your comments. 1) so yes, pools are spread out, they cater for all of the villages so that no village loses out. Never paid for the Lazy river at anytime What were you doing with the toilet papaer? drying your habnds with it? We can manage veruy well for a week on what is supplied, but yes, why shoulkd the owners pay for extra toilet paper if you are wasting it? if you use up the free paper, buy your own. If the coffee maker leaks, then report it to maintenance, they will replace. They are excellent in replacing items I'm 6ft 1" and not a small guy either and have NEVER had a problem with the shower. Plenty of shade at the pools.

Alan A.
Aug 18, 2009

I agree with Alana54. I am a multi-week owner at OLCC and have been going there since 1985. This is truly a world-class resort, not a hotel. If you want free toilet paper, go to a hotel. An initial supply of dish soap is provided, but you cannot expect to have all you want for free - get real. They do charge for tube rentals - were you expecting to get them free when you are not even an owner there? The showers and the whirlpool tubs are HUGE. This "guest" is the kind of person OLCC owners hope never come back.

Pat S.

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