Jan 16, 2010


Adriana P.

Last edited by adela03 on Jul 29, 2017 10:21 PM

Jan 16, 2010

If you are sure this is happening call II and give them the information! This will do more than just blowing off steam on these forums.

There is nothing anyone on here can do but also complain to II.


Phil L.
Jan 17, 2010


Adriana P.

Last edited by adela03 on Jul 29, 2017 10:21 PM

Jan 17, 2010

adrianap14 wrote:
I probably should, I feel bad for the seller in a way, but it's not like they are renting a week they can't use, it's commercial mass selling..

I don't feel in the least bit bad for the seller(s) .... what they are doing is illegal, period.

R P.
Jan 24, 2010

PT Barnum was a century to early with his saying that a sucker was born every minute,except now with the internet it is down to the micro-second. Until there are some serious controls but on all these so-called vacation trades,it will continue to be a freeforall,and the controls must come from within the industry itself,if they wish to continue to do business. Since these businesses cross state and local borders, the Feds could step in at any moment. II should be ashamed that they have fallen so low,as to be in the same boat, as erection enhancement. So the next time we are contacted by I.I. , l will ask about the 72 hour disclaimer.

Charles K.
Jan 25, 2010

phill12 wrote:
If you are sure this is happening call II and give them the information! This will do more than just blowing off steam on these forums.
Well said. If OP believes the accusation is valid and OP is truly angry, then the OP's complaint would be better directed to the place where the issue can actually be investigated and resolved --- Interval International itself.

After all, if someone besides II is renting out II Getaways, which is clearly against II policy, then II is the only entity that can do anything about it anyhow. No form of resolution is available by just griping here.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 25, 2010 12:28 PM

Jul 29, 2017

I think there is nothing wrong with it period! If I buy weeks and want to sell them on eBay why can't I!

Tim W.
Jul 30, 2017

timw368 wrote:
I think there is nothing wrong with it period! If I buy weeks and want to sell them on eBay why can't I!

Check the contract you signed with II.

Lance C.
Jul 30, 2017

timw368 wrote:
I think there is nothing wrong with it period! If I buy weeks and want to sell them on eBay why can't I!

If you OWN a timeshare week you can indeed certainly SELL that entire ownership on eBay (or on RedWeek or on Craigslist or anywhere else that you may see fit).

What you CANNOT do (per clearly written terms and conditions of membership in both II and RCI and plainly prohibited in black and white), is RENT OUT any weeks that *YOU DO NOT OWN AT ALL* in the first place but have instead obtained for one time personal use either through the "deposit and exchange process" or by paying for a one-time-use via "Last Call" from RCI or a "Getaway" from II.

Selling (or renting) something that you OWN and trying to rent out something you DON'T own are two very different and completely unrelated situations. Don't confuse the two.


Last edited by ken1193 on Aug 09, 2017 09:30 AM

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