Timeshare Companies

'Tis the season...

Dec 19, 2017

...And I don't just mean Christmas. This is also the time of year when many maintenance fee bills have been recently issued, with payment generally being due by 01 January and becoming delinquent if not paid by March, in most instances.

Unfortunately, It is ALSO the season when upfront fee "escape / rescue / relief / exit" parasites come out of the woodwork (or out from their holes in the ground) to promise "timeshare salvation", peddling their bogus and completely useless so-called "services".

This is a reminder that NO third party can obtain release from a binding, legal contractual obligation into which someone has voluntarily chosen to enter of their own free will. NONE.

If you need / want to get out of your timeshare ownership, there are various avenues to pursue. Most involve very little (or no) out of pocket expense. A little reading and research effort will reveal various FREE options (such as pursuing a "deedback" to the resort, or advertising and offering a "giveaway") --- but paying upfront money to ANY useless parasite "escape" operation is unwise, unproductive and (in my personal opinion) just plain foolish.

There is an old saying that "A fool and his money are soon parted". Please don't become someone who willingly chooses to prove that old saying to be true.

Forewarned is forearmed. Happy Holidays! Health and happiness to you in the new year.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 20, 2017 08:13 AM

Dec 19, 2017

Always good to see you in the forums Ken along with several others. Your perseverance in the many threads of people who have been "imparted" is to be congratulated. As usual the wisdom of a fool and his money is well taken. My favorite by the late Will Rodgers "If you find yourself in a whole stop digging". MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU and to the others in the forums who help in taking a stand against the parasites.

William P.
Dec 19, 2017

williamp511 wrote:
Always good to see you in the forums Ken along with several others. Your perseverance in the many threads of people who have been "imparted" is to be congratulated. As usual the wisdom of a fool and his money is well taken. My favorite by the late Will Rodgers "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging". MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU and to the others in the forums who help in taking a stand against the parasites.

Thank you for your very kind words. Best wishes to you and yours too during this holiday season and in the coming New Year.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 19, 2017 06:48 PM

Dec 19, 2017

When I saw the title of this thread, I was thinking "Does he mean Christmas or that dreaded time of year when the so-called relief outfits seek to capitalize on owners who have just received their maintenance fee bills?"

But yes, this is definitely a good warning to those who seem to inquire about these "relief" outfits at this time of year.

For those who ask, "Well then what am I supposed to do if I shouldn't use these outfits?", the simple answer is to try to give it away yourself. First, try contacting the resort's homeowners' association and see if they will take your unit back. Second is to advertise that you want to give it away. You just might find some takers.

Lance C.
Dec 20, 2017

Good to see you also lancec13. You are one of the few, along with Donp that I follow in the threads to share experiences of timesharing. Whishing you and all who attempt to pass on the knowledge of out witting the hucksters a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

William P.

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