Ask RedWeek

Renting through a third party

Dec 17, 2019

I just used Redweek to rent my timeshare week to an individual through a company called "Condo Confirmations@accessrsi". They have paid me in full for the week, minus a $19.95 "service charge". Am I obliged to pay them, when I have already paid Redweek for the same or similar service?

Susan P.
Dec 18, 2019

I have never been charged a fee from a 3rd party rental. Always have paid the full amount. Thats not very upfront in my opinion , I'd be all over them for a refund. Now if you new about it up front, that would make a difference.


Dec 26, 2019

I rent through Redweek, but I don't rent our weeks if the offer is through another realty company. I've turned down those offers. I only rent direct.


Last edited by carold433 on Dec 26, 2019 05:56 AM

Dec 26, 2019

Thanks for your message. Lesson learned...I’ll be more discerning next time!

Susan P.

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