Ask RedWeek

Full Service

May 09, 2021

I paid for full service ad on May 3rd and it has been over 6 days and I still do not see my rental posting? Why am I paying for full service for this type of service? It would be nice if somebody would contact me if there is information I need to provide to get my ad posted.

Tom K.
May 09, 2021

Tom: With a full-service posting, our staff has to contact the resort to verify all the details of your week and unit. This verification process can take 7-10 business days from the time we receive your resort's reservation (sometimes more, depending on your resort), but we make every effort to make it quicker. Once the details have been verified, we will create your posting and send you an email with a link to review it.

We appreciate your patience!

RedWeek Support

Last edited by phyl21 on May 09, 2021 09:38 PM

May 09, 2021

Thanks for the quick reply. However, I don't believe the Royal Resorts will give out private information regarding my ownership especially without my contract number. I emailed my my contract for verification last week. Seven to 10 days does not seem like "full service" type of service.

Tom K.
May 09, 2021

Tom: With the full-service option we handle the entire process for you, including verifying all the information with the resort, creating your posting, handling all inquiries as well as taking care of the rental agreement and transaction. The process of verification does take time but is an important step in making sure all the details of the posting are correct. We use your resort's reservation to verify details with the resort and have done many verifications with the Royal Sands. If you are concerned about getting your posting up quickly, then the DIY rental option will allow you to post your timeshare immediately.

RedWeek Support

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.