Marriott's Desert Springs Villas
Jan 18, 2007
josephm128 wrote:The dramatic differences usually are a result of the different seasons. They are all floating weeks, some being more desirable than others. Other than that it's just seller's motication that is reflected in the pricing.Help me understand why there is such a range in the FOR SALE Dollars for the Villas offered for sale .....Also, the Marriott Weeks are either Red --White---Blue ...but do not seem to be specified ... only Floating is indicated. ...Thanks ...
Julie V.
Nov 05, 2008
jp163 wrote:How do I know what number of points it takes to make an exchange ? I see provisional weeks but it doesn't say what you need to do or how much it will take to get it .
The provisional weeks aren't assigned a point value. These weeks have been offered by their owners on the condition that a suitable exchange can be found. It's best to only look at the actual Exchange weeks that are listed. If there aren't any currently click on the "Be notified of new postings »" in the upper right corner.
Thanks, Marty
Marty F