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Original Message:

Re: Class Action Against Diamond Resorts? (by Don P.):

I agree that a class action law suit is ineffective . The only ones who make out in one of these suits is the lawyers. Usually if the plaintiffs win they get a ridiculously small amount usually in the form a credit that no one ever uses. The developers own the industry and protect it with their legal teams. They have unlimited resources.

The best way to avoid these problems is to never purchase points. Points are controlled by the developer and can be changed at their discretion . They can sell the prime weeks and locations on the open market depriving the owners of those exchanges. They have everyone who works for them sign confidentiality agreements so no one can testify about their practices.

It's simple the game is rigged in their favor. I got rid of two timeshares in 2011 through deed backs because I saw the industry lean all the way over to their side. Anyone who buys points after learning about the system does not deserve to complain. Anyone who already has points and wants to get out should explore all their options.