Marriott's Kauai Beach Club

Trading within Marriott Vacation Club Resorts

Mar 31, 2008

I'm considering buying a share at Marriott's Kauai Beach Club through Marriott. If I was to buy a comparable MKBC share through a "second sales" company, would I still get the benefits of exchanging for a week at other Marriott Vacation Club Resorts through Marriott?

Pat D.
May 10, 2008

patd141 wrote:
I'm considering buying a share at Marriott's Kauai Beach Club through Marriott. If I was to buy a comparable MKBC share through a "second sales" company, would I still get the benefits of exchanging for a week at other Marriott Vacation Club Resorts through Marriott?
At this time i am not aware of Marriott trading to other Marriott properties. Normally that is done through an excange company such as Interval International. Marriott does offer a system that you can trade your week for points that you can use to purchase nights stay at Marriott Hotels. I dont think you can use these points to get into another timeshare unit. If you do not purchase your unit from the developer (Marriott) you do not get the points usage plan, other than that you get full Marriott beneits. We have owned at this resort for 9 years & another Marriott resort resort for almost 15 years. It has excellent trading power through Interval International & another advantage is that Interval gives Marriott owners a 60 day period where only other Marriott owners get first dibs at the trade. We have also rented it out on several occasions for $1800 for the week for our 1 bedroom oceanfront & then purchased getaways or rented from someone else at a place we want to go. You must remember though, once you give your week to Interval you cannot get it back unless you specify up front that if you do not get your pick of another resort you want, then you want to stay at your home resort that week. I can not explain the many ways you can work the timashare game in1 paragraph. All I can say, in my opinion, is we own 2 Marriott resorts & 1 royal resort & have had many years of great vacations & Marriott is top of the line & you cant go wrong with a purchase at one of their resorts. A few suggestions that I would give if you are new to timesharing is: Buy on the higher end (Marriott, 4 seasons, Hyatt, etc.), they cost more but they will be there tomorrow & have some type of resale value should you decide to sell at a later date, & they maintain a 4 & 5 star rating in the industry, making for guaranteed, great accommodations every time. Also make sure you purchase at a place that you really love, so if you are unable to trade to a place you want to go, when you want to go, you will be happy to return to your home resort. Hope this was helpful.

Michael J.

Last edited by mej55 on May 10, 2008 12:33 AM

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